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Writer : Lawyer : Father : Spy

Alex Major

Alex Major is an award-winning writer and director, a retired Air Force intelligence officer, and a nationally recognized attorney in the areas of federal procurement, cybersecurity, and data privacy. In 2022 he was invited to join the Writers Guild Foundation Veterans Writer Project, a selective, year-long program intended to identify emerging writers with U.S. military backgrounds and provide them with the tools and insights to nurture their passion for writing and successfully navigate the entertainment industry.

 His first screenplay, a science fiction thriller titled "She Just Happened," was a finalist and runner-up at the 2008 Duke City Shoot Out, a “script-to-screen” writing competition allowing winners the cast, crew, and opportunity to direct their screenplays and a finalist at the 2008 Action on Film Festival and the 2008 British Short Screenplay Competition.  In 2010, Alex submitted two screenplays to the Duke City Shootout, a comedy entitled "Random Natural Occurrence" and a science fiction short, "An Other Woman."  Both were selected as finalists with "Random Natural Occurrence" chosen as the winner. After choosing his cast and crew, Alex was flown to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and given four days to shoot (under strict union rules) and three days to edit his stunt and special effects-laden comedy about a put-upon worker in Purgatory’s “Life Traffic Control.”  At the end of production, the film competed against five other contest winners at a “Gala Film Festival” where it won awards for “Audience Favorite,” “Top Script,” and “Best Special Effects.” The film went on to screen at the 2010 Albuquerque Film Festival and 4th Annual Laugh Out Loud Film Festival before becoming a victim of a hard drive crash. A copy of the film remains available, however, on YouTube. See more at IMDB.

As a practicing attorney,  Alex is ranked by Chambers and Partners as one of the United States' leading practitioners in federal procurement and cybersecurity.  With a background as a spy, spokesperson, speechwriter, and stand-up comic, he is sought-after as a national and international thought leader, speaker, radio guest, and lecturer on the topics of cyber-security and U.S. government contracts law.

As an Air Force intelligence officer, Alex traveled extensively, collected intelligence for multiple “three letter agencies,” and was responsible for advising warfighters, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and international heads of state on critical security and defense issues.  Stationed at the Pentagon on 9/11, Alex served as the intelligence crisis manager for Afghanistan and provided national leadership analysis on immediate and initial responses to the attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.   He is now retired after serving as a United States Air Force Academy Admissions Liaison Officer for Maryland.

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